Sunday, October 29, 2006

Jesse Steven Edge

Jesse Steven Edge was my dad's great-great grandfather. So that makes him my three greats grandfather.
Jesse was, indeed, a cool ancestor to learn about. Back in those days, he traveled everywhere, and would often stay in stranger's houses. As the story goes, he was gambling at one house, and for some reason there was a conflict--he was hit in the head with a crowbar, and he stumbled into a fire and got burned. Later, his host was leaving town, and someone shot him dead off of his saddle. No one knows for sure who killed him. I have a slight idea who.
Because of his head injury, he wasn't quite right after that. His wife eventually put him in an asylum, where he died.


Blogger Joslynn said...

Holy moly!
You've got an outlaw for a great, great, great, Grandfather!
Yay for bizarre ancestors!

8:23 PM  
Blogger Joslynn said...

I think it's time for some more Grandparents memories.
That would be grand! (No pun intended)

12:44 PM  
Blogger Brittany said...

You's been awhile. You should post some more good stuff here!

12:39 PM  

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