Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Summary of grandparents

Grandpa E-My dad's dad. Loved fishing, dogs, scaring the grandkids, and was very territorial about "his chair". Hear stories about him all the time!
Grandma E-So sweet and kind, always let me take as much candy as I wanted out of the candy jar. Gave wet kisses.
Grandpa K-The most amusing man who taught me how to find the beat in music. Believed in the power of the mind. Inspired me to get a face watch "because you never look to see what time it is, only what time it isn't." Also gave some magnificently wet kisses.
Grandma K-Amazing woman of amazing health. So kind and sweet. Always keeps the tiny house spick and span.

This is the first post of hopefully many, and I will be posting memories of my own, memories of others, of these wonderful people.


Blogger Joslynn said...

I love it! I'm glad you started this... you have inspired me. I shall begin my recording of these legacies just as soon as I gather enough information to make a post.

10:34 PM  
Blogger Joslynn said...

That doesn't really make sense.
It's more like, I'll post something... soon. I have all the info here in my head.

9:34 AM  

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